Happy Spring!

Hey loves, Welcome Home
As we move into the second quarter of 2020, I want to bring awareness and attention to issues that could be affecting many of you. We have all been bombarded with information (and some misinformation) regarding COVID-19 (a.k.a ‘the rona’). I have done two live videos addressing self care and immune support during this time and will continue to check in with you all via social media as regularly as possible. In an attempt to add some normalcy to our lives, I want to point out that April is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Awareness Month. Currently, it is estimated that 10-15% of the adult population are currently living with IBS. This is no small number and deserves to be addressed as well!
So what is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It’s a long-term disorder that affects the digestive system. The most common symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or BOTH. Usually, it is controlled through diet, stress management and lifestyle changes.
One of the most important lifestyle changes to implement is LISTENING TO YOUR BODY! In order to effectively treat and manage your symptoms, your doctor may try an elimination diet to discover trigger foods. From there, variations in diet can be done with less pain and with better results. Reducing stress, meditation, fiber-rich foods, lots of water and reducing caffeine are all a good start as well. Please see your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms. Your health coach can assist you during these trials as well :-).
I am offering a SPECIAL until our quarantine is over. $100 per month for one on one health coaching and $35/month for group coaching (groups of 4 or more)! Before you get worried, YES! Even after we are back to normal routines, your price remains during the FULL 6 MONTH PROGRAM. I understand that we are in difficult financial times but want to strongly advise that a health coach can be a great resource and tool as you adjust to the changes in your life and Lifestyle Motives is here to help! Head to www.lifestylemotives.com to schedule a breakthrough session today. Spaces are limited and will be done electronically until social distancing is in our rear view.
Be safe, sanitized and satisfied! Happy April 2020!
Have you been checking out the lives on the Facebook and IG pages? Get connected to stay informed!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LifestyleMotives
IG: lifestyle_motives15